A Nation Cannot Be Built in Five Years
“The Republic of Indonesia is not an end in itself, but merely a means to achieve a just and prosperous society.”
— Mohammad Hatta¹
Democracy is the path Indonesia has chosen. It grants the people space to elect their leaders, express their opinions, and participate in shaping the nation’s future. Yet in practice, our democracy has become ensnared in the narrow cycles of five-year terms: from election to election, from presidential to regional contests, as though the nation’s journey could only be envisioned within a single term of office.
This condition has had serious consequences on the nation’s strategic sectors. Take the national aerospace industry, which now lies nearly abandoned. Since the crisis that struck PT Dirgantara Indonesia in the early 2000s, there has been no bold national roadmap to position aerospace as the backbone of economic development and national defense.² A nation surrounded by vast seas and airspace has become a consumer of foreign technology, not its producer. The grand vision once laid out by President Soekarno for technological self-reliance in aerospace has seen no continuity.
Even more troubling is the absence of long-term strategies in the domain of defense and national security. To this day, no public document exists projecting Indonesia’s military posture 25–50 years into the future—no Defence White Paper, no National Security Strategy envisioning our preparedness against cyber warfare, the South China Sea conflict, hybrid disruptions, or the strategic use of outer space.³
We are drifting without direction. The political elites are preoccupied with selling campaign promises, rarely thinking beyond the next electoral cycle. All policies, programs, and plans are framed within a five-year horizon. Anything beyond that is considered too abstract, too distant, or irrelevant to vote acquisition.
But great nations are not built in five-year spans. They are built over decades—through grand visions, collective labor, and consistent developmental trajectories that transcend political regimes.
We must ask: What is Indonesia’s direction for the next 20 years? What are our plans to navigate the technological revolution? What strategies are in place to face the looming crises of water, food, and energy? Where is our roadmap to achieve true sovereignty—on land, at sea, and especially in the air? What has become of the ideals of independence and national identity once dreamt by the founding fathers?
Today, answers to these critical questions are scarcely heard. The public sphere is dominated by personal rivalries, political theatrics, and image-building. National ideals have been replaced by popularity contests. Our democracy, though procedurally intact, is increasingly shallow—hollowed of its deeper purpose.
Let us remember the words of President Soekarno: *“ Hang your dreams as high as the stars in the sky ”*⁴ Not merely a personal exhortation, but a philosophy of statehood. In his speeches, Bung Karno often spoke of nation and character building, even laying out his vision of what Indonesia might become a hundred years after independence.⁵ Where has that vision gone?
Compare this with the mindset of today’s elites: they think only of the next election. They initiate projects that can be inaugurated before their term ends. They shy away from difficult decisions for fear of unpopularity. Yet strategic decisions for a nation’s future often demand present-day sacrifice.
Look, for instance, at countries such as South Korea, Singapore, or China. They operate on long-term blueprints. They adhere to a consistent vision across successive governments. They dare to invest in education, research, and human development—despite results that may take decades to bear fruit.⁶ They prioritize institutions of education, R&D, and strategic think tanks to guide high-level policy decisions.
And what about us? We build only to tear down. Strategic projects shift with each regime. Educational priorities change with every new minister. Energy and food policies are held hostage by short-term political bargaining. We have lost continuity. We have lost strategy. We have lost our vision. We are Lost in Space! Going to nowhere!
It is time to rebuild a national vision that transcends the five-year cycle. We need a cross-party consensus on the future of Indonesia. We need leaders who think across generations, not just across electoral terms. Leaders willing to plant trees, even if they will not live to taste the fruit.
We must understand that democracy is not merely about electing leaders. Democracy is a vehicle to build a shared future. And that future cannot be built in five years. It is forged through grand ideas, collective will, and the courage to envision beyond the horizon of power—beyond even the lifespan of one or two generations.
“Good governance is not about making everyone happy today, but about ensuring our children and grandchildren live better lives tomorrow.”
— Anonymous
Policy Suggestions and Recommendations to Safeguard the Future
To escape the trap of short-term pragmatism and establish a resilient national foundation, this paper recommends five policy imperatives:
- Formulate a Long-Term National Vision.
The government and Parliament must develop a National Grand Vision 2025–2075 involving cross-sectoral figures—academics, industry leaders, military experts, scientists, and civil society. This should serve as a blueprint across regimes and presidencies. - Empower Strategic Planning Authorities.
Bappenas and Lemhannas must be granted super-strategic and independent roles to oversee inter-regime policy coherence, including auditing and evaluating the national vision’s implementation. - Reform Political Education for the Public and Elites.
Citizens must be educated to understand that elections are not the endgame. Meanwhile, political elites must be groomed to become statesmen, not mere politicians. Political parties should be urged to nurture statesmanship. - Institutionalize National Strategic Debates During Elections.
The General Elections Commission (KPU) and media must require candidates to participate in debates rooted in long-term visions—not just populist talking points. Voters deserve to know: What kind of Indonesia is being promised? Where are we headed? - Establish Non-Negotiable National Strategic Priorities.
Areas such as defense, aerospace, food, and energy must be insulated from partisan disruption. Changes in leadership must not derail long-term strategies agreed upon as a national consensus.
It must be recognized that Indonesia possesses all the necessary capital to become a major global power. What we lack is the realization that a nation cannot be built in five years. We need a strong leader. We need direction. We need continuity. We need a vision that transcends elections. For history is not written by those who are most popular—
but by those who see farthest.
- Mohammad Hatta, Demokrasi Kita, Tintamas Publishing, 1960.
- Chappy Hakim, Quo Vadis Kedirgantaraan Indonesia?, Kompas Publishing, 2012.
- National Resilience Institute of Indonesia, Long-Term Strategic Defense Review, 2020.
- Ir. Soekarno, Speech on the 19th Anniversary of Independence, Jakarta, August 17, 1964.
- Soekarno, Di Bawah Bendera Revolusi, Volumes I–II, 1963.
- Dani Rodrik, One Economics, Many Recipes, Princeton University Press, 2007.
Jakarta, March 27, 2025
Chappy Hakim – Indonesian Center for Air Power Studies