Terkait dengan dipidanakannya Pilot Marwoto Komar di Pengadilan Negeri Sleman baru-baru ini, banyak sekali reaksi dari para Pilot diseluruh dunia. Dihadapkannya seorang Pilot, karena kesalahannya dalam melaksanakan tugas , pada suatu pengadilan pidana umum adalah merupakan tindakan yang sangat keliru.
Kejadian ini telah membuat dunia penerbangan Indonesia dimata dunia menjadi semakin melorot. Hampir seluruh pihak didunia penerbangan internasional kemudian merasa bahwa diturunkannya “grade” Indonesia sebagai “un safe” oleh FAA dan ICAO serta “banned” Uni Eropa, ditambah lagi dengan diadilinya Pilot di Pengadilan pidana umum , sebagai konfirmasi tentang amburadulnya industri penerbangan Indonesia.
Para Pilot yang tergabung dalam asosiasi pilot internasional IFALPA, bahkan kemudian menurunkan Press Release sebagai tercantum dibawah ini.
IFALPA reminds Indonesia that the need to discover why an accident happened should always have primacy
The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) is disappointed that once again the internationally agreed principles of accident investigation set out in ICAO Annex 13 have been ignored by a signatory state.
The Indonesian authorities prosecuted, and yesterday in the Sleman District Court in Indonesia, convicted Marwoto Komar of negligence charges in connection with the tragic overrun of Garuda Flt 200 at Yogakarta in March 2007 before the accident investigation was fully completed.
IFALPA’s concerns are solely focussed on the incompleteness of the technical investigation of the accident rather than the outcome of the trial or any appeal.
IFALPA’s approach to accident investigation is simple:
The public interest is best served by skilled and independent investigators, in a non-judicial environment with an emphasis on technical flight safety, having the time and resources to determine the cause of air accidents and recommending actions to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
If the findings of such an investigation reveal facts that indicate a criminal prosecution is warranted then, and only then, should a criminal investigation begin.
In this case, the technical investigation of the accident was secondary to the criminal investigation and as a result, the inquiry was unable to conclude its work and publish its findings into the causes of this tragic event.
Consequently, it has never been established why the crew failed to abandon their approach to a landing, which was outside the limits of normal procedures. Therefore, the chance to learn valuable lessons has been lost.
If we learn nothing of the reasons why this event happened then this avoidable accident may well be repeated.
Indonesia’s rejection of modern principles of safety management can only have a negative effect on air safety. Therefore, IFALPA calls on Indonesia to honour its commitment to improve the safety of its air transport system by ensuring compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.
Finally, IFALPA wishes to express again its deepest sympathy and condolences for the victims and families affected by this tragic and avoidable accident.
Itulah pernyataan dari IFALPA, International Federation of Airlines Pilot’s Associations. Bersama dengan ini marilah kita menundukkan kepala sejenak untuk menyampaikan keprihatinan yang mendalam terhadap kejadian yang sangat memalukan ini.
Semoga semua pihak yang terkait dengan ini, diampuni dosa-dosanya oleh yang Maha Kuasa. Amin.